Productive Communication Services in Yakima, WA

Are you personally impacted by the language barrier? 

Centerpoint Language Services helps businesses and organizations in Yakima, WA, find the English-to-Spanish translation solutions they need to land deals, win over clients, and communicate strong and meaningful messages. Our state-certified team of interpreters stands out among the rest because of our dedication to quality, excellence, and detail. No matter what the situation is, we always strive to maintain effective communication methods and break down any language barriers.

Written Communication

We know how difficult it can be to learn a new language.

Our translation center is here to help guide you through all aspects of foreign communication. We provide written English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English written communication services. Every language has its own set of complex grammatical rules, and if you don’t follow them, your message may be lost in translation. Our certified interpreters will ensure your message sounds professional, concise, and straightforward in its meaning.

Live Interpretation

At Centerpoint Language Services, we believe that everyone deserves accurate representation.

Whether it’s for a legal case or an in-person meeting, the language barrier can prevent people from successfully telling their side of a story. With simultaneous translation services, our team can both communicate your side of the story as well as the other party’s side. Simultaneous translation is the best way to share ideas, actively listen, and come to a compromise or agreement.

Virtual Conferences

Beyond in-person meetings, our talented team can also assist you with audio calls and web video conferences.

In audio calls, it’s important to hire a professional interpreter for your communication services. With audio-only communication, you can’t see non-verbal signals, which help convey the full meaning behind words. We have nearly three decades of experience and will help you understand the real message the other party is trying to disclose. No matter how fast-paced the conversation is, our interpreters have a full mastery of both English and Spanish and will prevent any miscommunications and frustration.

Get Started Today!

Centerpoint Language Services will help you with any court case, business meeting, teleconference meeting, or training session.

Call us today to get an estimate for your needed communication services.

Services at a glance:

Simultaneous Translation

Simultaneous Translation

Training Session
Communication Services


Teleconference Communication Services

In-Person Communication Services

Written Communication Services

Court Case Translation Services

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